Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps

For me, lunch is a meal that should boost energy and fuel the rest of your day without leaving you feeling weighed down. That being said, lunch should also be delicious and packed with flavor. The solution? These thai chicken lettuce wraps. Subbing out the bread for lettuce makes these wraps low-carb and light, but the kick from the thai sauce and heartiness of the chicken won’t leave you feeling like you compromised on flavor. These wraps are now a staple lunch for me, and they’re even easy to make ahead of time for lunches at the office. Give them a try!



2 chicken thighs
2 tsp soy sauce
broccoli slaw*
bib (butter) lettuce or romaine (for wraps)
bean sprouts
chopped peanuts
chopped cilantro
lime wedge
*comes in a pre-chopped package from the produce section of the grocery store

For dressing:

3 T powdered peanut butter (PB2)
1 T GF low sodium soy sauce
2 tsp sriracha
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 1/2 T unsweetened almond milk (or more, if sauce too thick)


  1. Dice chicken thighs into small, bite-sized pieces.
  2. Heat 1 tsp olive oil in a pan on medium heat.
  3. Add diced chicken and 2 tsp soy sauce to the pan and let cook for about 8 minutes, until chicken cooked through.
  4. While the chicken cooks, add all the sauce ingredients to a small bowl and mix until well combined.
  5. Remove 6-8 large leaves from the head of lettuce, wash them, and set aside to dry.
  6. Once the chicken is cooked, its time to assemble the wraps! I start with the chicken on the bottom, followed by the broccoli slaw and bean sprouts, drizzle on the sauce, and sprinkle the chopped peanuts on top.
  7. Optional: Garnish each lettuce wrap with fresh chopped cilantro and lime juice.
  8. Enjoy!

Makes 2 servings.

Chocolate-Swirl Sweet Potato Mini-Muffins

I am always searching for easy, healthy, gluten-free snack and breakfast ideas that I can make ahead of time. Last week, my friends asked me to go on a hike, and once again I was faced with the challenge of creating something gluten-free but also high in protein and filling enough to keep me fueled for the hike. I came up with this delicious recipe for chocolate-swirl sweet potato muffins which were easy to pack in a tupperware container and carry in my backpack. Not to mention they were delicious!! While my friends chowed down on sandwiches, I munched on my muffins, and I can tell you, they were all eyeing me with food envy.

With an ideal ratio of protein from the egg whites, sweetness from the banana and dates, and carbs from the sweet potato and brown rice flour, these mini-muffins are sure to satisfy your hunger. Then, adding dark chocolate chips into the mix just brings them to a whole new level. My cooking experiment definitely worked this time, and I will be making these again in the near future, this time as a delicious breakfast option for mornings on-the-go.

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Muffin Ingredients:

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 overripe banana
  • 2 T GF flour (I use brown rice flour)
  • 1/2 C egg whites
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 dates, pitted
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 C dark chocolate chips
  • diced pecans (for topping, optional)
  • coconut (for topping, optional)


  1. Use a fork to poke a few holes in the sweet potato then bake in the oven at 275 degrees for 45 minutes and remove from skin OR peel the sweet potato, poke holes, cover in a damp paper towel, and bake on the “potato” setting in the microwave.
  2. While the sweet potato is still warm, add the potato innards, banana, dates, and egg whites into a medium-sized bowl.
  3. Use a hand blender to mix the wet ingredients until well combined.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt.
  5. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
  6. Slowly fold in the chocolate chips just until the chocolate melts slightly and forms a swirl effect.
  7. Use a measuring cup to ladle batter into greased muffin tins.
  8. Sprinkle pecans and coconut on top if desired, or get creative and add your own favorite toppings!
  9. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes.
  10. Let cool slightly and enjoy! They’re delicious served warm or at room temperature.

Makes about 8 small muffins!

Vanilla Almond Overnight Oats


With a hectic schedule leaving me eating nearly every meal out of the house, I am constantly searching for easy, filling breakfast ideas that I can prepare ahead then grab out of the fridge to eat either on-the-go or in the office. Overnight oats are a staple in my morning routine for just these reasons: they’re easy to prepare ahead, keep you full until lunch, and you can throw whatever fruits, nuts, or other toppings you’ve got lying around in your kitchen and end up with a delicious product. After playing around with tons of overnight oats combinations, I have finally stumbled upon a recipe that is too good not to share!

In this recipe, I use banana as the staple fruit, but I also often sub this out for a combination of diced strawberries and blackberries when I can get my hands on them (one of the many reasons I am looking forward to berry season!). For this photo, I made my overnight oats right inside the jar of my favorite Trader Joe’s almond butter when I got down to the last tablespoon, just so I could make sure I used up every last drop of the almond butter! Utilizing leftover jars also makes for easy transportation, and you can just throw the container away after you finish breakfast.

Overnight Oats Ingredients:

  • 1/2 C rolled oats
  • 1/3 C greek yogurt
  • 1/2 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk or water
  • 1/2 banana, diced
  • 1 T almond butter
  • 1/4 t vanilla extract
  • 1 t cinnamon
  • 2-3 dates, roughly diced
  • 1 t chia seeds
  • drizzle of maple syrup (optional topping)
  • pinch of unsweetened flaked coconut + more for topping
  • sprinkle of dark chocolate chips (optional topping)
  • 1/4 apple, diced (optional topping)


  1. Combine all ingredients (except toppings) in tupperware container, stirring until well combined. Mixture should appear soupy, but the oats will soak up the moisture overnight, resulting in an oatmeal-like texture.
  2. Cover container and place in fridge for at least 12 hours. The oats also sit well in the fridge for multiple days, in case you want to meal prep a few days in advance.
  3. When ready to eat, remove from fridge and add desired toppings. I always add an extra sprinkle of unsweetened coconut as well as either a few dark chocolate chips or diced apple, both of which add a nice crunch.
  4. Dig in and enjoy!

I cannot get enough of this recipe and make overnight oats at least a few times each week because they are a great way to pack in a mixture of protein, carbs, and good fats (from the almond butter). They are an ideal alternative to grabbing a granola bar for breakfast as these “healthy” bars tend to be packed with hidden sugars in the form of glucose syrup, brown rice syrup, etc., and preparing overnight oats calls for less than 5 minutes of preparation time! Seems like a no-brainer to me. Cut the processed foods, even those that claim to have health benefits, and instead try eating foods in their more natural form with this recipe!

Curried Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps


Do you find yourself in a love-hate relationship with chicken salad and other mayo-based salads? There’s no question they’re delicious, but if you look at the nutrition label you may be shocked to see just how many calories are packed into a small serving of any mayo-based salad. Many people don’t realize just what mayonnaise is made of or the general lack of health benefits in this product.

If you read the back of a mayo label, you’ll quickly find that a serving size of a meager 1 tablespoon boasts 90-100 calories, all of which come from fat.  Chicken salad and other mayo-based salad varieties call for much more than 1 tablespoon, so mayo adds as a fast calorie-adder for these salad products without providing nutritional substance. Mayo’s primary ingredient is soybean oil, followed by eggs and egg whites, lemon juice, and salt. However, most mayo also contains hidden sugar, as the labels are not FDA regulated to disclose the amount or percentage of daily sugar intake per serving size. Some varieties now use olive oil or other measures to cut calories or improve its nutritional benefits, but mayo’s health benefits are minimal if not non-existent.

Once I learned what comprises mayo, I vowed to completely cut mayo out of my diet (aside from the occasionally splurge for spicy mayo in sushi)! My search for a good mayo-alternative brought me to plain greek yogurt which can easily be subbed for mayo in nearly every recipe I’ve tried and acts as a high protein, low fat alternative, and bonus, its even creamier than mayo!

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That brings me to one of my favorite greek yogurt-mayo swap recipes: curried chicken salad. Packed with lean chicken and greek yogurt for protein, celery and onion to boost flavor, walnuts for a little crunch, and a few grapes to add that touch of sweetness, this low fat, low carb, gluten free recipe is anything but void of flavor. For those of us constantly on the run who need to make meals that can withstand a work-week long stint in the fridge, this salad delivers. The best part is the whole salad can be put together, from prep to cooking to tossing, in only 30 minutes.

For this week, I bought some baby gem lettuce and used that as a base for lettuce wraps, but this curry chicken salad is great in a sandwich, over a salad, or just eaten by the spoonful. Give it a try, and see if you miss the mayo! I know I don’t.

Curried Chicken Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 lb chicken breasts (or chicken breast tenderloins)
  • 1 C purple grapes, quartered
  • 1 C diced sweet yellow onion (about 1/2 medium sized onion)
  • 1 C diced celery (about 3 celery stalks)
  • 1/3 C chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 C plain nonfat greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 1/2 T curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp crushed garlic
  • 2 tsp EVOO


  1. Coat chicken in 2tsp olive oil and garlic, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Place chicken on baking sheet and cook at 375 degrees F for 20 mins (if use breast tenderloins) or about 25 mins (if use full chicken breasts).
  3. Let chicken cool then dice into small, bite-size pieces.
  4. While the chicken cools, wash then quarter grapes.
  5. Dice ½ medium-sized yellow onion and approx. 3 celery stalks.
  6. Combine cooled chicken, onion, celery, grapes, and walnuts in medium-sized bowl.
  7. Add yogurt, curry powder, salt, and pepper to the bow and stir until well-combined.
  8. Enjoy immediately or pack away for lunches throughout the week!


Greek-style Quinoa and Vegetable Salad

       Last weekend in D.C. was the first taste of spring with warm weather, chirping birds, and blossoming cherry trees. With the first signs of a changing season came an immediate desire for all the delicious vegetables that become more readily available in the spring and summer. Along with these desires came the realization that summer is around the corner, and its time to step into gear with the healthy eating in pursuit of that ideal “summer bod”. I therefore came up with a greek-style salad that is packed with lean protein from quinoa and chickpeas, loaded with delicious, fresh veggies, and coated with a light, low-fat dressing. The sweetness from the corn and tomatoes is well balanced with the slightly tart Kalamata olives and lemon, and feta cheese adds just a hint of saltiness. The basil and dill in the dressing provide an earthy taste that rounds out the entire dish. Overall, this quinoa salad packs a complex mix of flavors in each bite that will keep your palate intrigued and leave you feeling satisfied, but not gluttonous, post-meal.
       This salad is an ideal solution for individuals with busy work schedules who must pack lunch for on-the-go or in-the-office meals because you can make it in advance and pre-package in tupperware containers for consumption later in the week. It is also the perfect picnic lunch component for the hot summer days which are eventually headed our way. Summer is represented in every bite of this dish; let’s hope the weather can take after this salad and show some signs of summer soon!
Greek Quinoa and Veggie Salad Ingredients:
  • 2 medium sized zucchinis, diced
  • 1 C roasted corn (I used frozen, but could use fresh cooked corn if in season and  available!)
  • 1 C grape tomatoes, quartered
  • 3/4 C quinoa (cooked according to package instructions)
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1 medium sized red bell pepper
  • 1 1/1 C diced cucumber
  • 1/2 C diced Kalamata olives
  • 1/2 C fat free feta cheese
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 medium-sized red onion
  • 1/3 C red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 C water
  • 1 tsp Stevia (or other natural sweetener)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
Basil-dill Dressing Ingredients:
  • 1/4 C finely minced basil
  • 1/8 C minced dill
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp crushed garlic
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp olive oil (EVOO)
  • 1/3 C apple cider vinegar


  1. Dice half of a red onion.
  2. Add diced onion, Stevia, salt, red wine vinegar, and water to a sealable container.
  3. Mix well and store, covered, in the fridge for 10-12 hours to create a mild pickle on the onions.
  4. Heat pan on medium-high heat, add 1 tsp of olive oil, then add the diced zucchini and turn down to medium heat.
  5. Let the zucchini cook down for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add in the frozen corn, then let mixture cook for 5 more minutes.
  7. Turn off heat and set aside zucchini and corn to cool.
  8. While the zucchini and corn are sautéing, prepare quinoa according to package instructions then set aside in the fridge to cool.
  9. Cut red pepper in half, remove the seeds and stem, then place on greased pan.
  10. Roast red pepper in the oven at 400 degrees F for about 30 minutes.
  11. Once roasted, remove the red pepper’s skin and discard of it. Dice remaining flesh of the red pepper.
  12. Combine diced cucumber, quartered tomatoes, red bell pepper, chopped olives, cooled quinoa, feta cheese, and the zucchini and corn mixture in a large bowl.
  13. Drain and rinse the can of chickpeas, then add these to the bowl.
  14. Combine ingredients for basil-dill dressing and mix well.
  15. Add dressing to the large bowl, cover, and put in fridge.
  16. After the diced red onion has marinated for 10-12 hours, add to the large bowl and stir well.
  17. If cooked for meal-prep, separate quinoa salad into individual tupperware containers for easy on-the-go meals!

*Makes about 4 servings

Chicken and Vegetable Cacciatore


One of the best tricks I have found to prepare for a busy week is to meal prep on Sundays. That way I can just come home after a long day of work/school and have dinner on my table within minutes. This cacciatore recipe is an easy, one pan meal to make on a Sunday and have for nights when all you have time for is to reheat something in the fridge.

I love this recipe for its versatility. No one enjoys eating the same thing over and over again, but when you are cooking for just one person, that tends to be the only option. With this cacciatore, its delicious alone, over rice, or mixed in with your favorite pasta, so there are multiple ways to switch up what you eat from night to night. Personally, I love eating this over brown rice (I just minute brown rice if I’m pressed for time!) and topping it with some shredded parmesan cheese. This is also the perfect recipe for a family because it takes less than 30 minutes to put on the table and can be done in one pot. For all those health nuts like me out there, this is a well-balanced meal packed with protein, a variety of vegetables, and aside from some healthy fat from the olive oil, it is virtually fat free (if you avoid covering it in parmesan cheese like I do!). This is a great recipe to use for meal prep, and it is just as yummy reheated as it is when first cooked. Give it a try and tell me if you agree!

Cacciatore Ingredients:

  • 2 C sliced portabella mushrooms
  • 1 large red bell pepper, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 sweet yellow onion
  • 1 medium leek
  • 1 zucchini, roughly diced
  • 1 C chopped frozen spinach (or can use fresh if you have it!)
  • 2 C diced chicken breast
  • 1 1/2 tsp minced garlic ( about 1 1/2 cloves)
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 14.5 oz. can diced, no salt added tomatoes
  • 1/2 can tomato paste (3 oz.)
  • 1/4 C finely diced basil
  • 2 tsp olive oil (EVOO)
  • Dash of cayenne (optional, only if you like a little heat!)


  1. Heat pot on medium-high heat and add about 2 tsp EVOO.
  2. Let oil heat up, then add onion and garlic. Cook until the onion has browned, stirring occasionally.
  3. Turn heat down to medium and add the diced red pepper, leek, mushrooms, zucchini, and chicken to the pot.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes, then pour off some of the excess water.
  5. Add the can of tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, spinach, and the seasonings.
  6. Bring to a boil, then reduce to low and let simmer uncovered for about 20 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

*Makes about 4 servings